Music Dorkery



If you’ve ever wondered what goes into tracking and recording a metal record, take a look at this in-depth, behind-the-scenes studio footage of producer Jochem Jacobs walking the viewer through the Textures song “Awake,” track by track. Even the most bare-bones recordings these days tend to have multiple layers of guitar and vocal tracks, but if you’ve heard Textures’ sonically dense album Silhouettes then you already know the next level to which these Dutchmen take their recording technique. The production on Silhouettes is positively stellar, far and away one of the best recorded and produced records of 2008.

In the below video, Jacobs walks the viewer through the different sections of the song, then through the multiple layers of tracks in each, isolating a number of different parts individually and together in different combinations so you can hear precisely what was recorded. It’s a fascinating look into production and recording technique; watch the clip below, then watch the rest at Thanks to Jesse Z. for sending this in.


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