
We Have Upgraded Our Commenting System


We are very excited to announce that we have upgraded our commenting platform!

MetalSucks has partnered with Spot.IM to bring you a more dynamic commenting experience across our web site. In the process, we migrated your old Disqus user accounts and hundreds of thousands of comments to the new system, along with your data from the commenting system we tried out for the last two months (although unfortunately the past week’s worth of comments have been lost).

You can login using your Disqus username or other methods such as Facebook, Twitter or Google, or you can create a new account with Spot.IM. The Disqus login triggers a one-time import of your Disqus comments to a new Spot.IM account.

We hope the switch to Spot.IM provides a faster, cleaner and more user-friendly experience. Spot.IM’s moderation tools will also allow us to keep a closer eye on the content in the comments section to keep it free of abuse.

Reach out to us at [email protected] if you have any questions.

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