Completely Unreadable Band Logo of the Week: Win a Hammerhead’s Global Depression Prize Pack!
Congrats to reader Larissa Didytch! Larissa correctly identified last week’s logo as belonging to the band Dead Reptile Shrine. For her troubles, Larissa wins a three-pack of Outer Limits Hot Sauce! Congrats, Larissa!
But if you lost, don’t cry, ’cause this week I have another stellar prize for you: a Hammerhead Global Depression prize pack! The new EP from Fargo, North Dakota’s revered noise rock trio,was released today on Learning Curve Records; you can stream the entire thing here, and purchase a copy here. Or, you can just enter this contest and hope you win the prize pack, which will include a vinyl copy of the EP and a t-shirt!!!
To win, identify the name of the band whose logo appears below, then fill out the form beneath it with your guess and your name and address. From everyone who gets it right, we’ll randomly select one winner and announce his or her name next week.
Here’s this week’s logo. It’s ridiculous. Good luck!
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