Watch Chris Holmes’ Latest Cinemetallic Masterpiece, “Born Work Die”
“How many bills do I gotta pay?
I want the bill collector outta my way!”
Although you could be forgiven for assuming that the above quote was taken from a piece by Langston Hughes, it is actually a lyric by Chris Holmes, poet laureate of the working man. The former W.A.S.P. guitarist has returned with another music video, “Born Work Tie,” and, yes, it is fantastic. I mean, just look at that punim:
Truly, it takes a special kind of man to somehow always look like he hasn’t bathed in a year, but if there’s one thing I know about Chris Holmes, it’s that he’s special. I just wanna grab that unshaved 18th century bush he calls a mouth and tie it to the back of a truck. God love you and bless you, Chris Holmes, you human drunk Saint Bernard cartoon, you!
Watch the “Born Work Die” video below. The track will appear on Holmes’ new album, Shitting Bricks, which should be out later this year.