Juggalos Far Outnumber Trump Supporters in Washington D.C. Marches
Never before have we been so intensely proud of Juggalos.
Juggalos came out in full force for The Million Juggalo March in Washington D.C. yesterday, a rally in protest of a 2011 FBI report labeling fans of Insane Clown Posse as a “loosely organized hybrid gang,” the same designation as the Bloods and Crips. The all-day rally in front of the Lincoln Memorial featured speakers and performers and attracted a large crowd of Juggalos from across the U.S., with Billboard reporting approximately 1,500 attendees.
Across the National Mall by the Washington Memorial, supporters of Donald Trump organized for The Mother of All Rallies, a march which described itself as “not left or right” and “not Democrat or Republican,” but whose attendees sported “Make America Great Again” hats and waved U.S. flags. Reports described attendees numbering in the low hundreds.
A few members of Antifa were on hand “to protect the Juggalos,” according to CBS News.
Look: it’s certainly still worth noting that the premise of the Million Juggalo March can be seen as a bit tonedeaf in a time when millions of Americans face discrimination daily based not on their choice of taste in music but the color of their skin. Still, in light of the summer’s events in Charlottesville and the general tone of hate and bigotry peddled by our current administration, this feels like a big victory for all of us with a moral compass and sense of reason. And for the Juggalos, too, of course; they’ve been unfairly cornered, and they are most certainly not a violent gang.
MetalSucks video correspondent Brian Storm was on hand at both rallies, and we’ll have that footage for you just as soon we can!