Tom Morello Has Heard the New Tool Record and Here is What He Thinks
Last week Danny Carey told us that a new Tool record will definitely come out in 2018, revving the Tool hype machine into overdrive once again (as if it ever really stops). Expect a steady parade of Tool-related non-news from now until whenever the album is announced, and Tool-related EVERYTHING for months after that. Strap in and enjoy the ride, folks, and we’ll be right here enjoying the click revenue (and, hopefully, a fantastic new album).
So: ex-Rage Against the Machine / current Prophets of Rage guitarist Tom Morello, who went to high school with and played in a band with Tool guitarist Adam Jones, has now heard the new record and shared his thoughts about it on Instagram. His report is consistent with other tidbits we’ve read indicating Maynard has yet to track vocals, but don’t be alarmed: 2018 is plenty long. Here’s what Morello offered:
“The new Tool album is tremendous, just tremendous! Everyone’s talking about it. Who knew Tool were so great? The Fake Metal News Media is unfair to Tool. Sad!”
Kidding! Here’s what he actually offered:
“Had the honor of being the first outsider to hear new Tool music today!
“Still just instrumentals but sounded epic, majestic, symphonic, brutal, beautiful, tribal, mysterious, deep, sexy and VERY Tool. Really great. So excited to hear the record when it’s finished.”
So… it sounds like Tool! Hoooooorrraayyyy
Like I said, non-news. Carry on about your day.
[via Ultimate Guitar]