Extremely Cheesily Drawn Extreme Metal Album Scenes and Extreme Memes Is Your New Favorite Facebook Page
In case you’re too dumb to figure it out, the Facebook page Extremely Cheesily Drawn Extreme Metal Album Scenes and Extreme Memes is devoted to extremely cheesily drawn extreme metal album scenes and extreme memes. And if you’re somehow still too dumb to understand what that means, lemme break it down for you: they crudely recreate famous metal album covers. Like so:

Some of them are surprisingly polished, though! I mean, not polished, like, anyone would release it as the actual album cover, but still… these look like they took time and effort:

I cannot for the life of me figure out why I find these so amusing, but I do. Hopefully you do as well!
Assuming that’s the case, go here to check out more.
[via Metal Hammer]