Guns N’ Roses Fire One Off at Donald Trump With New Shirt Design
Axl Rose and Guns N’ Roses are continuing their ongoing war with Donald Trump and his administration with a new shirt design.
The shirt pokes fun at Trump’s recent visit to a mask factory, where the aspiring despot not only didn’t wear a mask himself, but also didn’t seem to notice that GN’R’s version of “Live and Let Die” blasted over the PA, which was either a bizarre coincidence or someone’s method of sly commentary on Il Douche’s mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic.
The new Guns N’ Roses shirt reads “LIVE N’ LET DIE WITH COVID 45,” which is simultaneously a reference to the factory visit and a reference to the fact that Trump is the 45th president of the United States (it may also be a reference to the model of firearm that appears in the GN’R logo and/or a silly joke about beer).

The shirt is available for pre-order now at a cost of $25. 100% of net proceeds will be donated to Musicares. I wish the design was a little cooler, but the shirt is pretty funny, and the money goes to a good cause, so there’s no real downside to purchasing one. You can do so here.