Late Exodus Frontman Paul Baloff Gets His Own Super7 ReAction Figure
Yesterday marked the 20th anniversary of the death of Paul Baloff, former frontman of thrash legends Exodus. In February of 2002, Baloff had a stroke, and eventually died of heart failure while on life support, but the legacy that he left through his epic live performances and vocals on the band’s 1985 debut Bonded By Blood lives on. Now, alternative toy company Super7 has decided to memorialize Baloff in a new action figure of the singer in all his hostile glory.
As you can see in the images below, Super7 decided to go old-school with Paul. The dude’s got his denim vest, his broken baseball bat, and even his aggressive snarl going on with this figure. It’s a fitting tribute to a guy who gave such life advice as ‘Smash everything, leave nothing unsmashed‘ and ‘Hold it in, you get drunker when you don’t pee.’
“Baloff personified the violent energy of the early San Francisco Bay Area Thrash Metal scene of the 80s with the band Exodus on their Bonded by Blood album,” writes the toy company in their tribute. “Baloff’s uncompromising lifestyle and attitude are immortalized with this 3.75” ReAction figure. Comes with a microphone and shattered baseball bat accessories”
The toy met the approval of Exodus guitarist Gary Holt, who also posted a video tribute to Baloff under which he wrote, “Can’t believe it’s been a full two decades since we lost the immortal Paul Baloff. To this day, every single riff I write, I think ‘what what Paul think, is it heavy enough for Baloff?’ Always with @exodusbandofficial in all we do. HEAVIER THAN TIME”
Check out Paul’s figure and Gary’s tribute below. You can purchase the toy via Super7’s website.
Everyone at MetalSucks sends their heart out to all of Paul’s family, friends, fans and collaborators during this time. We ask that in honor of Paul’s memory, you leave nothing unsmashed.