
Sebastian Bach Addresses Outburst at Detroit Show, Says He Was Referring to Madam X


Just yesterday, we reported on Sebastian Bach freaking out about fans yelling “Skid Row” during his set, to which he was reported to have responded “Yeah, that’s the band that kicked me out. Yeah, killer. Great. Fucking assholes.” Then, later on in the show, he saw a fan wearing a Skid Row shirt from an era when Bach wasn’t in the band, leading to a longer rant. Well, according to Bach, we all got it completely wrong. Well, a little wrong anyway.

In a post on Bach’s Twitter account, the singer insisted that, in the first confrontation where he talked about “the band that kicked me out,” he wasn’t talking about Skid Row, but rather his earlier band, Madam X. However, Bach didn’t deny that he went off on someone for wearing a Skid Row shirt from an era other than his own. Here’s what his statement said:

“Hey Internet the horseshit never stops! Last night in Detroit I was confronted by a dude proudly wearing a MADAM X shirt. A band, whom, as you can read in my book, spit in my face & kicked me out when I was 16 years old. So I commented on that. Not mad at the guy for wearing it but not thrilled at staring at it either. Then there was some goofball wearing a Skid Faux shirt staring at his phone in the front row the whole show thinking somehow that would be appropriate. If you’re gonna wear a Skid Row shirt to my show, it would be more appropriate to sport the Original Skid Row. Not some other band that lasted 6 months or whatever. The music we celebrate at these shows has lasted the test of time for 35 years and will do so forever. That is what these shows are about. Come celebrate 35 years of the 1st Album Skid Row with us. But realize this is a real rock show and you never know what’s gonna happen.”

While his outburst at the show was rather unhinged, his outburst on social media wasn’t much more hinged. It still sounds like he’s pretty bitter about not just one band, but two. And, while he’s right that Skid Row’s first album stood the test of time, what hasn’t stood the test of time is Bach’s tenure with Skid Row. Hell, Johnny Solinger was with the band longer than Bach was. Maybe it’s time for Bach to move on.

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