...And F*ck You Too


  • Axl Rosenberg

Mann Village

You know what? I owe Fred Durst an apology. No, seriously. I just read his latest interview with Rolling Stone, and now I know the truth: Freddy isn’t a total douche chill. His music has just been misinterpreted all these years, co-opted by “bullies and assholes.” All he ever wanted was to make sensitive, romantic music for sensitive, romantic people. Like his heroes in The Cure.

How did it ever come to this? Let’s investigate. After the jump, check out some choice quotes from the interview, contrasted with some of Mr. Durst’s lyrics in bold.

“I got abused a lot growing up. Everything is fucked, everybody sucks. For years I looked into the crowd and saw a bunch of bullies and assholes who tortured me and ruined my life. You wanna justify rippin’ someone’s head off. They were using my music as fuel to torture other people, even dressing like me. You just lucked up, next in line to get fucked up. The music was being misinterpreted and the irony effected me and we stepped away. Shut the fuck up and back the fuck up.

“I loved the Cure and Bauhaus and the Smiths. I’d eat you alive. The people in my town weren’t privy to that kind of music Where the fuck you at punk? and I got abused. I discovered the microphone to get out some of that angst. I’ll skin your ass raw.

“I realized after years and years that I can’t take all of that on my shoulders. So you can take that cookie and stick it up your yeah. I can just hope for the best and hope that my music finds its way to the people that I’m trying to connect with. I just might break your fucking face tonight. There’s some people who are not understanding what Limp Bizkit is about. I did it all for the nookie. But, then again, who am I to tell people what they can use art for or how they can interpret it? Give me something to break, how ’bout your fucking face?

“I don’t even listen to any type of music that’s like Limp Bizkit at all. I love jazz music and sad music. I’m a sentimental guy. Hey you Mrs. I don’t know what the fuck your name is. I’m a romantic guy. Damn, you’re so hot.

Gee. He’s totally right. I have no idea how anyone ever misinterpreted the meaning of Limp Bizkit’s music.


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