Not Quite Metal?

“The Murder Chord”: A Bluegrass Song About Metal and Violence

  • Axl Rosenberg

I’m having a hard time figuring out if Grandpa’s Cough Medicine‘s “The Murder Chord,” a bluegrass song about a kid who gets into metal and is subsequently inspired to murder his entire family, is trying to make a serious point, or just tell an entertaining story. The lyrics certainly suggest that the group has a familiarity with metal… but nothing about them really suggests that the group is “in on the joke,” so to speak. Ditto the video, which, other than some overly-dramatic imagery which often mimics that of actual death metal clips, is not particularly humorous. I don’t think the group is trying to pull a PRMC (or a PARRM), buttttt… like I said, it’s not entirely clear.

Regardless, the song is pretty good. Dude sure can play a mean bluegrass solo, that’s for sure.

Thanks: Brandon F.

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