This is Ratt’s New Lineup (with Performance Video)

My interest in Ratt (mostly) went out the window the moment I learned Warren DeMartini is no longer in the band. No DeMartini = no Ratt! It doesn’t help that his battery mate of the last decade, the very talented Carlos Cavazo, followed him out the door. I add the “mostly” qualifier above only because I’d probably go watch Ratt if they were playing a festival I was already at… but I’m not forking out what’ll surely be a high ticket price to see any version of the band that doesn’t include him, and my faith in any new music the band releases is gone (it certainly won’t match the unexpectedly incredible Infestation, I’ll tell you that with 100% certainty).
Anyway, here’s what the new lineup looks like:
Stephen Pearcy (vocals)
Juan Croucier (bass)
Pete Holmes (drums, Black ‘N Blue, Ratt’s Juan Croucier)
Jordan Ziff (guitar, Marty Friedman, Razer)
Chris Sanders (Britny Fox, Knight Fury)
I will say this: I saw Ziff play with Marty Friedman a couple years back and the guy flat out rips. You know if he can hang with Marty he can hang with anyone.
And yet still… meh. Hard to be too excited about this after so many years of Ratt dormancy.
Below, watch some fan-filmed footage of the new lineup’s second show ever on Friday, July 13th, at the OC Fair at the Pacific Amphitheatre in Costa Mesa, CA.
[via Ultimate Guitar]