The Hard R



dallas-coyle-head-shotLet’s be honest everyone: Susan Boyle ain’t very pretty!

I’m sick of the PC bullshit we see all over the news shows these days. When you first saw this story all of the beautiful anchors would say the same thing: “This woman, Susan Boyle, a person you might not expect, just blew everyone’s minds with her rendition of blah blah blah.” Let’s look at the phrase in question here. “A person you might not expect.” Short for U.A.F.

Ugly. As. Fuck.

Look, I know this sounds cruel but it really isn’t. I watched the video and guess what – I almost cried like a little bitch. I got goosebumps. It wasn’t because she sang so well. It wasn’t because she looked like Shrek’s foot. It was because the people who were watching her were such egotistical, can’t wait to watch you fail losers that when she sang not like a mentally retarded person it blew their minds. The people who watch these shows represent what our society has become to a certain extent. To a certain extent our society’s (Britain and America) inner nature looks like Susan Boyle.

This video of her has gotten over 100 million hits. More people care about this than our economic crisis. It truly is sad.

Good for Susan Boyle. I saw her recently in a picture and she got a nice 15 minutes of fame-make over: A nice new leather vest. A nice new haircut. This is even more sad then the 100 million hits. The people who demand her change her style and change her look want to change her. They want to change the reason she got popular in the first place. These days people can’t take things in their purest form. They can’t take the truth. People are addicted to the truth they want to see. Not what’s clearly in front of them. Everyone wants to say, “She’s someone so unexpected to sing like that…” It’s running away from the truth. She’s not very attractive and that’s it. There’s the charm. She sings like an angel and she looks like a troll.

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