...And F*ck You Too


  • Axl Rosenberg

Was anyone eagerly anticipating a sequel to this?

Well fuck your dead grandmother in the ass, because that’s what your getting.

According to Metal Underground, Limp Bizkit are working on The Unquestionable Truth (Part 2), the long-threatened follow-up to… well, y’know. Part 1.

And if we assume that, as a sequel, TUT 2 will be a sonic brethren of TUT, then this news is actually even worse than if the band had announced that they were commencing work on the also-long-threatened Gold Cobra 2. Because whereas Gold Cobra was funny-terrible, Truth was just boring-terrible. As the above video demonstrates, it was basically Bizkit’s attempt at flat-out ripping off Rage Against the Machine, which they interpreted to mean “Instead of talking about nookie and breaking things and how awesome we are, we should s00per cereal and dour.” The result was a record so lousy the band basically Chinese Democracy‘d it, dropping off the face of the planet instead of doing any actual promotion. Hell, you can barely see their faces in most of that video! It’s almost like none of the PAs on set could find paper bags for the band to wear over their faces.

If there’s any reason to hold out hope that this won’t be induce suicide in intelligent people all over the world, it’s that maybe, just maybe, Truth Deux will completely fail to register with anyone anywhere, the same way its prequel did. But since the band just signed with Lil Wayne’s Cash Money Records, I have to assume there are plans to actually try and sell this one.

So, in other words: I’ll get the prescription meds, you get the vodka, and we’ll all meet back here when the album comes out.




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