
MetalSucks’ Sixth Annual Heavy Metal Hanukkah — Night 7

  • Axl Rosenberg

MetalSucks’ Sixth Annual Heavy Metal Hanukkah — Night 7

Mazel tov to reader Michael Felsenthal, who correctly answered last night’s trivia question — no, there are no Jewish members of Impending Doom. They’re a Christian band. Dummies. But smartie-pants Michael gets a dreidel and a CD from MetalSucks. Yay, Michael!

But don’t kvetch if you lost — there’s still two more chances to win! Here’s tonight’s question:

The Jews celebrate Hanukkah, in part, to commemorate a victory against a persecutory king. Name a metal musician who is of the same nationality as that king.

Enter using the form below — DO NOT E-MAIL ME YOUR ANSWER!!! All entries due by 5 pm tomorrow (Saturday, December 15) evening. We’ll announce the winner shortly thereafter, and post the final night’s trivia question. And while you don’t have to be Jewish to enter the contest, you do have to live in the U.S. Good luck!

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