
Watch Dashcam Footage of Machine Head’s Bus Accident


I wasn’t aware that Machine Head had been in a bus accident this past Saturday, January 27th until now, but thankfully that’s because everyone in the band and their crew was unharmed, just shaken. Phew! The bus sustained some minor damage; so be it.

But recent dashcam footage released by the band shows just how scary this moment must’ve been for the bus driver, who successfully maneuvered out of the way of a tractor-trailer truck dangerously attempting to exit on the right from the far left lane at the very last minute. It all happens so quick, and that’s just pure reaction — you’ve got to be completely alert and with it, and anything short of that could’ve resulted in much, much worse for the band.

Machine Head’s statement on the incident:

“SCARY BUS ACCIDENT THE OTHER NIGHT. Everyone safe. It’s hard to tell from the footage, but sometime around 4AM, while driving away from our sold-out show in Albuquerque, our bus driver Bryon safely avoided what could have been a very serious accident. Driver-cam footage below doesn’t clearly show that this was a blind hill and blind turn we were coming up around as a truck (that had missed it’s turn off) pulled out into the (left) oncoming traffic lane of the highway to make an almost impossible exit to the right. Skidding into the truck with a full bus and trailer, it smashed our mirror off, shattered Byron’s window, and scared the hell out of everyone sleeping, but thanks to his excellent driving, no one was hurt. Shout out to our driver Bryon!!”

Hat tip to Machine Head’s bus driver Bryon for pulling this one off! Watch the incident via Machine Head’s Instagram below.

[via The PRP]

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