
Devin Townsend Working on New Ziltoid Music + App

  • Axl Rosenberg

Devin Townsend is ten years older than I am, but he somehow has fifteen times as much energy. We know that the composer/singer/guitarist/producer/comedian/deity is currently working on four albums and a live DVD; I don’t know if this is related to one of those albums or is something separate, but it appears that Townsend will soon conquer another medium as well. Specifically, that of mobile games.

In a new social media post, Townsend reveals that he is “Developing a Ziltoid phone app…in tandem with new music.” One of the accompanying images suggests that this app will have a game component.

A Ziltoid mobile game is a real no-brainer; you’d almost have to actively work to make it suck. New Ziltoid music is also a no-brainer. Basically, whether you have a brain or not, this news should make your bathing suit parts tingle with excitement.

Hopefully we’ll know more soon.

[via The PRP]

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