
New Music Videos from Dream Theater and Periphery!


While it may seem arbitrary to group them together in a single post like this, there are actually many things Dream Theater and Periphery have in common:

  1. Both bands are on the proggy side of the metal spectrum.
  2. Both bands have legions of neckbeard, music dork fans.
  3. Both bands have singers whose voices are controversial points of debate amongst the band’s fanbase.
  4. Dream Theater guitarist John Petrucci is Periphery guitarist Jake Bowen’s uncle (literally, not metaphorically like “call me uncle!”)
  5. The two bands have toured together many times.
  6. Both bands are touring (not together) this coming fall.
  7. Both bands just released brand new music videos from their most recent albums to promote those tours.
  8. This very post.

See? Told ya so. Check out both bands’ new videos below. Upcoming Dream Theater tour dates here (performing Metropolis Pt. II: Scenes From a Memory in full) and Periphery dates here (with Veil of Maya and Covet).

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