Enlarge Their first new track in two years features only Navene Koperweis and Chaney Crabb.

Entheos Post New Track, are Now a Duo


Tech metal outfit Entheos have released their first new song in two years, “Remember You Are Dust,” and announced that they have scaled down to a duo consisting of founding members Navene Koperweis and Chaney Crabb.

The band offers of the new track:

“We’re excited to present our first new song in two years, ‘Remember You Are Dust’. The lyrics serve as a reminder that nothing in this world is guaranteed – which, in current times, seems more relevant than ever. This track is the first we’ve released that was both created and produced in our home studio. We’re incredibly proud of the results and look forward to creating more releases like this in the future. Enjoy.”

With the departure of guitarist Travis LeVrier (also ex-Scale the Summit), Koperweis will be taking over writing and recording of all instruments. That shouldn’t be too surprising: Navene is a singularly talented musician, having previously been a member of Animals as Leaders and helming a solo project under the “Navene K” moniker. The band plans to bring a touring guitarist and bassist on the road with them to help fill out their sound in the live setting.

Have a listen to “Remember You are Dust” below. More, presumably, is coming soon.

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