Enlarge Gwar at Warsaw, Brooklyn, NY, December 28, 2019. Photo Credit: Jason Bailey for MetalSucks

GWAR Stopped a Show to Help a Fan Find His Prosthetic Leg

  • Axl Rosenberg

GWAR shows have long been known for featuring acts of dismemberment. But that dismemberment is usually. Y’know. Fake. And hey, look, maybe this isn’t technically dismemberment. But it’s pretty darn close.

According to TMZ, a bohab named Baron Vidar went crowd surfing during the band’s show at the Belasco Theater in Los Angeles, CA last week… and, in the process, lost his prosthetic leg.

After Vidar was passed up to the front of the venue, he waved down the band and made them aware of his, er, issue.

Guitarist Beefcake the Mighty (né Meatpie LeGrand) then alerted the crowd (video below):

“If anybody’s got a fake leg out there, or got an extra fake leg, send it this way cuz this guy needs his fucking leg.”

At which point someone passed up Vidar’s leg and the show was able to continue.

As crazy as this… as crazy as it must have been for Vidar… as crazy as it must have been for GWAR… I’d wager this experience was the craziest for the person who suddenly found themselves holding a prosthetic leg with no human attached. I mean, can you imagine? One second, you’re helping push a crowd surfer towards the stage, and the next, you’re holding a prosthetic leg? Like… what the actual fuck?!?!

ANYWAY, I’m glad Vidar got his leg back.

On a semi-related noted, Richard Christy once signed autographs at our New York Comic Con booth as he and I discussed the finer points of the Sleepway Camp franchise… when a dude abruptly walked up to the booth, removed his prosthetic leg, plopped it on the table in front of Mr. Christy, and asked him to sign it. He obliged, natch.

I know that has nothing to do with GWAR, it’s just a memory I’ll cherish ’til the day I die.

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