
Crosses’ Shaun Lopez to Handle Guitar for Deftones’ Upcoming European Shows (Updated)


(Update: Lopez is actually taking over for Chino Moreno’s guitar parts. We originally said he was sitting in for Stephen Carpenter.)

During Deftones’ upcoming dates in Spain, it’s looking like Chino Moreno’s going to let someone else handle his guitar parts.

Though the band has used Lance Jackman in the past, they’ve decided to go with Crosses and Far guitarist Shaun Lopez for that slot. As someone who works with Moreno in Crosses on the regular, his involvement with the band just makes sense.

While Deftones haven’t yet acknowledged Lopez’s involvement, the guitarist posted an Instagram story that pointed out two Spain shows for the rest of the tour.

With their next album pretty much done (sans the vocals), it’s an exciting time to be a Deftones fan, regardless of whether you were with them from Adrenaline or Around the Fur, or you found them on TikTok because you’re still young. Details about the album’s progress were shared by Moreno during an interview at Coachella last month.

“We’ve just sort of been working on and off over the last year and a half. From when we started writing to where we’re sitting right now is we have a whole record recorded, all musically, and it’s pretty much my job now to finish up the vocals.

“I have this show again next week and then straight after that I go back home to Oregon and I go in the studio. So as long as that takes, I hate to put a definite time frame, because we’re not really in a rush.

“We want it to be great, I think that’s most important. But it is coming and it’s really good. We’re really excited with what we what we’ve been working on, and everybody’s jazzed.”

We’ll have to see how things shake out moving forward, but for now you’ve got a guitarist that hasn’t scared themselves out of traveling with the band. And that’s always a plus.

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