Sh*t That Comes Out Today: November 13, 2012
Hey guys! To celebrate Green Day’s new new record, we at MetalSucks hereby pre-empt your heavy new releases round-up Shit That Comes Out Today to run a countdown of the 100 Greatest Green Day Songs featuring in-depth commentary from your fave MS writers! Which will make the top ten?! “American Idiot”? “21 Gunz”? I hope “Time of Your Life” is on there! Oooh read on!
The Campaign (Bullet Tooth)
On a playlist with: Vanisher, Mutiny Within, Exit Ten’s Remember The Day
Listen “Kings of Deceit” (here) “Bohemian” (here)
I love bands that mix melodious vocals with heavy instrumentation, but it’s always jarring when theatrical vocals like Affiance’s come in over standard breakdowns and August Burns Red-style leads. That isn’t totally a bad thing — the good cop can be a nice guy while his partner is on break — but Affiance and their ilk are polarizing for sure. If you like extra melody with your melody check it.
Dar De Duh (Prophecy)
On a playlist with: Negură Bunget, Thy Catafalque, Ulver
Listen Dar De Duh full stream (here)
In 2009, Dordeduh was formed by two departing members of progressive, folky black metal band Negură Bunget. And to answer your next questions: Dordeduh is rough Romanian for “yearning for the spirit,” and their blackened death metal (or deathened black metal?) and hearty Eastern European folk influence isn’t too unlike their former band’s. Its loads of traditional percussion, reeds, and strings never overtake Dar De Duh’s heaviness or wander into the realm of genre parody. Dorededuh’s refined production — more refined than Negură Bunget anyway — suits their dense textures but stays acceptably raw.
Koi No Yokan (Reprise)
On a playlist with: Katatonia’s Night Is The New Day, Dead Letter Circus’ This Is The Warning, Thrice’s The Alchemy Index Vols. I and II
Listen Koi No Yokan full stream (here)
Read Anso DF MetalSucks review (here)
As a casual Deftones fan, I react to their stuff anywhere in the range of “holy-shit!” to “mehhhh.” I was probably one of the ten or so people who thought that Diamond Eyes was good, but not quite sexy-time awesome. And if that first post-accident album is the spiritual successor to White Pony and Deftones, then its follow-up, Koi No Yokan, carries on the artsy-fartsy legacy of Saturday Night Wrist — and I couldn’t be happier about that. Wrist deserves more love: On it, Chino Moreno and crew wrote their first proper bridges, wisely put Frank Delgado’s talents to good use, and landed an epic production job … and somehow Wrist remains the odd album out. Weird. Anyway you get plenty of those welcome nuances on Koi, plus producer Nick Raskulinecz’s killer tones and standout Diamond Eyes-style hooks. I don’t completely agree with our MetalSucks review — a couple aimless experiments bar Koi from classic status — but it’s certainly great.
Gifts From Enola
A Healthy Fear (The Mylene Sheath)
On a playlist with: East of The Wall, The Coma Recovery, Family
Listen “The Benefits of Failure” (here)
This Virginian quartet, influenced by the likes of Wu-Tang Clan, plays what they call “post-college rock.” I guess that genre sounds a lot like post-metal, and if these guys are influenced by Wu-Tang, as their facebook bio indicates, it’s definitely their Kelly/Von Till-era material. Anyway, call GFE noisy hardcore with flights of odd time signature and epic, delay-driven climaxes. Eight tracks at 48 minutes makes A Healthy Fear a hearty listen, but one with the restraint to warrant multiple returns.
Zion EP (The End)
On a playlist with: Dir En Grey’s The Marrow Of A Bone, Blood Stain Child (pre-chick singer), Tasters
Listen “Monolith” (here)
Contrary to their band name, Japan’s Crossfaith is not the Creed-meets-generic-2004-radio-rock nightmare project that none of us have been waiting for, thank goodness. Nope, their Zion is solid generic electronica-influenced metalcore. Unlike a lot of their peers, Crossfaith (pronounced “Clothes Face”) resists the urge to autotune the crap outta crappy clean vocals; screamer Kenta Koie keeps it heavy from start to finish. But there’s plenty of melody courtesy of keyboardist Terufumi Terano, and even some tasteful moments of dubstep bass-iness. Check out their jam “Monolith” (here) and enjoy the ’90s dance nostalgia!
King Animal (Universal Republic)
On a playlist with: Led Zeppelin, Pearl Jam, Incubus
Listen King Animal full stream (here)
These guys are pretty cool. The singer hits like really high notes and the guitars got some good leads. I don’t like how the drummer is all like “I’m not gonna play in normal tempo signatures” but … There come back album is pretty good over all though, but nothing these guys do will probably ever top “Cochise.” That was they’re best song IMO.
Corrosion Of Conformity Megalodon EP (Scion AV) listen listen get free