Doom Fans: You Know You Need Ennoea
Samantha Michelle Smith continues to impress: she just turned twenty-two, and has released not one, but two really killer projects this year. AND they’re 180 degrees away from one another: the first, Fight the Demiurge’s The War at the Edge of Existence (which I wrote about back in May), is a slam album, while the latest, Ennoea’s Proarkhe, is doom. The only thing they have in common, really, is that they’re both crushing as fuck.
What sets Proarkhe apart from the doom pack is its surrealistic quality: it’s not some mindless beast, like The Wolfman, but, rather, a sensitive, introspective abomination, like Frankenstein’s Monster. But don’t interpret my use of the word “sensitive” to mean soft. The dreamy quality of Ennoea’s music doesn’t diminish its force any — it will still render your reproductive organs unusable.
Proarkhe is out now Exalted Woe. Stream it below; you can buy it here for just five bucks.
Samantha also engineered the mix for Sluagh’s Unwanted and Worthless, which I honestly don’t dig as much, but still seems worth mentioning, since we’re discussing her work n’ all. You can check that album out here.