Listen to Shining’s (Sweden) Hauntingly Gorgeous New Song “Besök Från I(ho)nom”

Those newfangled Norwegians calling themselves Shining seem to be getting all the press, whatwith their newfangled “blackjazz” or whatever the kids are calling it these days (j/k I love those guys). Sweden’s own Shining, of course, have been doing it for way longer. Not that it’s a popularity or longevity contest: both bands play completely different brands of metal. Comparing the two Shinings is an ultimately silly pursuit: it’s apples and oranges, and they’re both great.
The Swedish Shining’s ninth album, IX – Everyone, Everything, Everywhere, Ends, comes out April 21st on Season Of Mist, and Revolver’s got the premiere of a little ditty from that album called “Besök Från I(ho)nom” (“Visit From Him,” according to Google Translate). Niklas Kvarforth is in top form here, at least if you’ve been a fan of Shining’s last batch of albums (as I have): the song is alternatingly haunting and soothing, vile and gorgeous, blackened and deathly, chaotic and controlled, all within a well-orchestrated, almost Opethian 8-minute structure that’s come to define latter day Shining. In short, I fucking love it.
Stream it below. Pre-order here.