Enlarge Adam Levine looks just like a hardcore kid and it's funny.

Hardcore and Metal Twitter is Roasting Adam Levine’s Tattoos


The world was abuzz yesterday with Maroon 5’s lackluster Super Bowl halftime show performance, with everyone from your pal down the street to well-known metal musicians offering hot takes on the set, and a one-man basement metal musician attempting to up the ante with a show of his own.

Twitter has been especially noisy with hot takes riffing on the idea that Adam Levine, with his heavily tattooed torso and tight, trim haircut, looks like the frontman for a hardcore band. When juxtaposed with Maroon 5’s comparatively tame lyrics and pedestrian image it’s an entertaining concept, and one that plenty of folks were all too happy to run with.

For your amusement, here are some of the best Adam Levine / hardcore kid takes we’ve been able to find.






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