Sh*t That Comes Out Today: July 17, 2020
Back into lockdown! Whee. Here’s some new metal music for your continued quarantine.

Doom Sessions Vol. 1 (Heavy Psych Sounds)
You want some doom? Conan and Deadsmoke have the session for you! This split demonstrates two sides of depressing music. Conan go slow and ponderous, Deadsmoke go for more of a sludgy swing. They’re both artists at the top of the genre, so you can’t really go wrong. Unless you don’t like doom. In that case, look elsewhere. Also, dig that sweet pixel art cover design. I would not want to face that dude as the final boss in a JRPG.

1823 (New Heavy Sounds)
Not sure if the name is supposed to be a stylized version of “Ember” or they just got lazy and didn’t want to finish typing “Embrace,” but here we are. Apparently dedicated to the anonymous soul whose final moments provided a kidney to drummer Eric Bigelow, 1823 shows off Embr’s artsier approach to doom metal. It provides a fitting tribute. Bigelow’s wife, Crystal, gives the words life with her delicate voice, while behind her glaciers crumble. The combination of tragedy and hope makes for a perfect pair.

Might (Exile On Mainstream)
Doom all over the place this week, huh? Might take a more raw, punky approach to the ol’ low ‘n’ slow sound. They prefer shorter, sharper shocks, building up the momentum quickly and then swinging in like a wrecking ball. Like Jucifer, this German duo makes it feel like they have an entire band backing them up as they demolish your living room. It’s good shit — I just wish it was easier to Google them.

We Are One (AFM)
For solo album number 16 (!), former Accept singer Udo Dirkschneider enlisted the help of the official Concert Band of the German Armed Forces. It’s mind-blowingly ridiculous, sure, but this is more my kinda ridiculous than Rumahoy and their fucking song about Harambe the pirate gorilla. Udo knows how to write a mean metal anthem, so why not throw an orchestra in there? As one would expect, he takes the concept and goes — wait for it — balls to the wall. It’s a blast.

2020 (Relapse)
Yessssss jack that synth-prog goodness right into my CPU. Despite the relatively peppy track linked below, this is actually a pretty dark album for the Pittsburgh duo. It’s an interesting change of pace, bringing in harder-edged guitars and more downbeat songs. If you love Steve Moore and A.E. Paterra’s other work, though, there’s still plenty to love here. You just gotta get past how mean it sounds.
Dark Sarah – Grim (Napalm) Listen
Guardian Of Lightning – Cosmos Tree (Eclipse) Listen
Khthoniik Cerviiks – Æequiizoiikum (Iron Bonehead) Listen
Lonely Robot – Feelings Are Good (InsideOut) Listen
Ramallah – Last Gasp Of Street Rock N’ Roll (State Line) Listen
Rumahoy – Time II: Party (Napalm) Listen
Thyrant – Katabasis (Indie) Listen
Wilderun – Veil Of Imagination Reissue (Century Media) Listen