
Cynic’s Paul Masvidal Promises New Album in 2021, Reflects on Two Band Member Deaths This Year


2020 has been a rough year for everyone this side of Jeff Bezos, who continues to reap untold rewards from the ashes of the Covid-ravaged dead, but it’s been especially heartbreaking for Cynic mastermind Paul Masvidal, who lost two key members of his band in the span of 11 months: longtime drummer Sean Reinert, who died in January at only 48 years old, and on-again-off-again bassist Sean Malone, who passed earlier this month at just 50. No cause of death for either has been publicly revealed, although Reinert’s untimely departure received additional attention when his request for organ donation was denied because of his sexual orientation.

Reflecting on this insane year and the unspeakable tragedy of losing two of his closest collaborators from throughout his career, Masvidal shared an update on Instagram yesterday that included a promise to release Cynic’s next album in 2021, as well as loose plans for “a virtual musical memorial/celebration” for both Reinert and Malone.

Paul’s post reads in full:

“Having lived through the loss of my two Cynic lifelong musical bandmates/friends in 2020, I’ve become intimate with the energy of grief. One thing in particular is experientially clear to me now:

“We are all living in a kaleidoscopic process of change. A constant flow.

“Sometimes we shift a little, and blue is dominant, we shift again and pink is dominant. Our identities are like that. There is no free standing self. We are a flow of awareness that rests on the body. We are awareness itself.

“When I first heard the news about Malone’s death earlier this month, I went from being actively engaged in a creative process to feeling like I was suddenly up to my neck in quicksand. I was unable to play my guitar for weeks, and found myself expending whatever energy I had cleaning and organizing my home. Grief is the most powerful experience; it wipes everything else away.

“Thank you for the support and comfort I’ve received. I’m reminded through your messages, that we’re all in this together and that the Cynic family has endured through a lifetime of kaleidoscopic change. A new record will see the light of day in the new year, along with a plan to organize a virtual musical memorial/celebration of Malone and Reinert.

“I know this has been a turbulent year for everyone. Loving and kind New Years wishes to you all. May you have peace of mind, freedom from fear, may you have everything you need; love, shelter, food, and good health.”

On behalf of everyone at MetalSucks, we continue to wish Paul all the best during this unimaginably tragic time, as well as Reinert and Malone’s families and friends.

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