Enlarge At the Full Terror Assault festival this past weekend.

Video: Golf Carts in the Exodus Mosh Pit!


Just when you think you’ve seen it all at live concerts, from wheelchair crowdsurfing to balcony stage-diving to this dude who got a beer whacked into his face… metalheads just continue to innovate, time and time again.

And so, this past Saturday, September 11 at the Full Terror Assault festival in Cave-in-Rock, IL, a new pastime was born: golf carts in the mosh pit. A circle pit, to be exact, because obviously that’s what the moment called for!

Just how and why golf carts came to be in the pit isn’t clear, but I’m guessing it’s one of those things where the carts were simply there so some ingenious whippersnappers took advantage, fueled by the greatest innovator of all: beer.

And took advantage they did! Footage from the golf cart mosh pit during Exodus’s set has now surfaced via both the festival and guitar Gary Holt, and it looks as if everyone is fully in on the gag and having a blast. Slowest circle pit ever!

Have a watch below and start planning your next move to one-up these folks.

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