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Floor Jansen’s Tumor Removal Surgery Was Successful


Earlier this week, the metal world collectively held their breath as Nightwish frontwoman Floor Jansen announced she has breast cancer and that she was going under the knife to hopefully remove the cancerous growth.

Well, the procedure happened yesterday and Jansen just returned to her Instagram page less than an hour ago to let everyone know she’s doing well and recovering.

“The tumor removal surgery went well without any surprises. I’m recovering well and should be up and about soon. It will take a few weeks to know what the findings are regarding the tumor and lymph node that will be tested.

“I’ll keep you posted.

“I want to use this opportunity to thank the medical staff that took care of me. All done with so much care, empathy, and professionalism! I felt completely safe in your capable hands! You all are troopers, and not just in the hospital I went to, but worldwide. Thank you for all you do!!!”

As she said in her post, she’s not entirely out of the woods just yet. Further tests on the actual growth itself could reveal further complications and she won’t get the results for several weeks still. That being said, most breast cancer cases are beaten through early detection and removal, so the fact that she’s taken this step is a huge push in the right direction.

If everything goes well, she’ll be able to hit the stage with Nightwish next month. As we said in our previous post, we’re pulling for Jansen and hope she’s cancer free when this is all said and done.

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