
No Amount of DragonForce Will Make the Minions in the Despicable Me 4 Trailer Suck Less


When future generations look back in wonder at how such a society with so much prosperity and promise could fall so hard and fast into ruin, there’s one thing we can all point to — those fucking minions in the Despicable Me movie franchise. Nothing will convince me otherwise. Not even the inclusion of DragonForce in the most recent trailer.

The clip debuted during last Sunday’s football game between the Baltimore Ravens and the Kansas City Chiefs, which is sadly the most metal an NFL game’s apparently allowed to get these days.

As you’d expect, the trailer uses the iconic track “Through The Fire And Flames” because of course they did. Despicable Me follows a low effort, saccharine formula you’d expect from a Hollywood animated feature that for some reason the general public just can’t get enough of. As you’ll see in the clip below, that song is naturally paired with a video game segment, though the thought of playing Dance Dance Revolution to it makes my limbs ache.

Naturally, DragonForce guitarist and all around nice guy Herman Li said he was excited about the song’s inclusion in the trailer.

DragonForce has a new album coming out on March 15 titled Warp Speed Warriors, with at least one of the singles and its music videos also having deep video game ties. You can preorder the album today.

DragonForce isn’t even the only rock or metal act to get in on the movie’s promotional efforts. Of course, Guns N’ Roses’ “Sweet Child of Mine” is used in the movie because the main guy has a baby son now. You can see that in the official trailer below. There are no new ideas in Hollywood, everyone.

As for Despicable Me 4, that movie will hit theaters on July 3. May God have mercy on all of us.

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