
Howard Jones on a Possible Blood Has Been Shed Reunion: “Eventually We May Get on the Same Page”

  • Axl Rosenberg

We’ve been hearing about a potential Blood Has Been Shed reunion for at least ten years now. And up until recently, if you had tried to tell me that Mr. Bungle, Guns N’ Roses, Faith No More, Carcass, and At the Gates would all reunite before Blood Has Been Shed, I would have advised you to ease up on the whippits. And yet, here we are.

But never give up hope! In a new interview with the BREWtally Speaking Podcast, BHBS frontman Howard Jones (Light the Torch, ex-Killswitch Engage) said that while he doesn’t know what will happen with the new music on which guitarist Corey Unger had reportedly been working, he won’t rule out an eventual reunion of some sort:

“That music, I don’t know if it’ll ever see the light of day. Doesn’t mean Blood Has Been Shed won’t see the light of day… It’s been a long time since that music has really been discussed, but there have been discussions, and I’ll just leave it at that.”

HoJo then proceeded to not leave it at that, adding:

“It’s one of those things where at times this thing’s been dead and buried, but then little sparks will happen here and there, so who knows, eventually we may get on the same page.”

Thing is, Blood Has Been Shed were never popular enough to enjoy the same Suitcase Fulla Money reunion offer as some other bands; if they’re gonna do it, they’ll do it out of a sincere creative desire. That’s good news, ’cause it means a BHBS reunion will be coming from an earnest place, but it’s also bad news, ’cause it means there’s less incentive to make it happen. Gosh darn it all to heck.

Listen to the entire interview below.


[via Lambgoat]

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