Listen to Vince Neilstein Host the Bandcamp Podcast!

I love Bandcamp, you love Bandcamp, we all love Bandcamp! The webstore and streaming portal for bands has been killing it for years, and it’s become an incredibly popular destination for metalheads seeking out new music, with the list of labels available on the service growing daily.
So when Bandcamp asked me to host the latest episode of their podcast along with my good friends Rob Pasbani of Metal Injection and Bob Lugowe of Relapse Records, I was all too happy to oblige (I guested on the podcast back in November of last year as well). Listen to three of us bullshit about metal, suck Bandcamp’s balls, jam some of our favorite tunes and interview special guests Red Fang.
Listen RIGHT HERE. The playlist in between the three hosts jabbering includes Exmortus, Obituary, Yob, Mastodon, Lord Dying and more.