
Maynard James Keenan Spills the Beans on the Joe Rogan Podcast


I don’t think I can name a more iconic duo than Maynard James Keenan and Joe Rogan, who had a nice chat on the Joe Rogan Experience last Monday (7/29). We’ve already covered the most critical deets — AKA, the new album title, and the fact that Tool’s catalogue will be available on streaming services this Friday — but there’s a lot more to the episode than that. In fact, they don’t spend much time talking about Tool at all. Typical Joe Rogan, always side stepping anything even remotely related to music. Instead, the two eccentrics share conversation on topics like Garth Brooks, bison, soil, the inevitable heat death of our planet, yoga, and what goes on behind the scenes at Maynard’s winery. There’s no DMT involved, unfortunately.

HOWEVER, Maynard was able to answer the number one question of Tool fans everywhere: why in the god damn shit fuck did the new album take so long?!

“The four of us are a lot of fucking work, just to get anywhere, oh my god. Everything’s a fucking committee meeting and it always gets shut down, [The hurdle is] success. When you get successful, you think you’re right about everything and you’re pretty sure as that individual — ‘I am right and you are wrong, because I’m successful and we’re successful because of me, not because of you.’ It’s not that bad with us, but there’s a dynamic of like, ‘I want this and I’ve always gotten my way and that’s why we’re successful, because I don’t compromise on this or that.’ I’m the same way. I’m totally the same way.”

So there you have it. If that didn’t quite quell your curiosity, you can hear Keenan and Rogan cover the aforementioned topics, as well as “discuss how Eddie Bravo has been the subject of the Elon Musk brain chip research this whole time” in the podcast episode, linked below. Fear Innoculum is out August 30th.

[via Ultimate Guitar]

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