
Listen to 30 Seconds of New Intronaut Music

  • Axl Rosenberg

It’s been almost five years since Intronaut released their most recent album, The Direction of Last Things… and if you have any taste whatsoever, you know that’s too long in-between Intronaut albums!

But fret not: help is on the way! In August, the band confirmed Alex Rudinger (Whitechapel, The Faceless, etc.) as the session drummer for their new album, which they further revealed would include contributions from Cloud Kicker’s Ben Sharp… and it now seems that album is done. The band has announced plans to release a new song, “Cubensis,” this Wednesday, December 11. True to Intronaut form, the title seems to be a reference to psychedelic mushrooms. I. Am. On. BOARD.

The announcement was made via the below Instavideo, which also features a sample of new music (presumably “Cubensis” itself).

We’ll let you know the second “Cubensis” is available for your earholes. In the meantime, don’t forget that Intronaut go on tour with Cult of Luna and Emma Ruth Rundle in February. Dates and tickets can be found here.

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