
King 810’s David Gunn Claims He Attended the Capitol Siege to Film a Music Video

  • Axl Rosenberg

Not-exactly-shocking news: after being spotted in photos and video yesterday, King 810 frontman David Gunn has confirmed that he attended last week’s riot at the Capitol.

Slightly more surprising is his excuse for being there: he says he was filming King 810’s next music video. He also claims that the FBI has also contacted him and that he’s not in any legal trouble since he didn’t enter the building or aid in the destruction.

Here’s Gunn’s statement in full:

Dear internet cucks,
I admit this is me on the steps of the capital building filming our next video. I’m the singer of the most hated band in America… where else would I be ?
Sorry to disappoint everyone but I cannot also admit to being a racist, bigot, homophobe, sexist, fascist, alt right (or whatever you whack jobs are on this week) etc. etc.
I appreciate the compliments on my jacket however it is not for sale (altho our new album is)…
I was not trying to keep this under wraps. As you can see I’m swagged the fuck out with no mask in front of 100 cameras because I’m doing nothing wrong. The Feds have phoned me already and there isn’t a single image of me “rioting” or going inside the building. I’m not as dumb as my hair style suggests.
I couldn’t care less if you stop following me or stop listening to my music because I never cared to begin with. (see red queen)
???????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

And here are my random thoughts:

i) You should automatically assume terrible things about anyone unironically who uses the word “cuck.”

ii) If King 810 are “the most hated band in America,” then I’m Joe Biden’s new White House Communications Director. Don’t get me wrong — plenty of people loathe King 810 (like me!) — but not nearly enough people have ever heard of them for them to claim the title of “most hated in band in America.” You know how you know you’re not famous enough to be the most hated band in America? It took more than a week for anyone to even recognize you, and even then, they weren’t 100% positive it was you. That’s not a luxury an actual famous person would enjoy.

iii) If David Gunn is a “singer,” then the new poet laureate of the United States.

iv) Re: “I cannot also admit to being a racist, bigot, homophobe, sexist, fascist, alt right (or whatever you whack jobs are on this week)”… I can’t tell if he means the whack jobs are the people who stormed the Capitol or the whack jobs are the people who are unhappy about the other people who stormed the Capitol. I guess when we see the eventual music video we’ll have a better idea of Gunn’s actual stance on what happened (note he never condemns the actions of the seditionists).

v) Do people really like that jacket? To paraphrase an iconic athlete: “This is the worst lookin’ jacket I ever saw… I bet you buy a jacket like that you get a free bowl of soup, huh?”

vi) I actually believe Gunn that he wasn’t trying to keep this under wraps; this is the first, and likely last, time King 810 have done something historic.

viii) “I’m not as dumb as my hair style suggests” is such a funny line I have to assume someone else wrote it.

ix) “I couldn’t care less if you stop following me or stop listening to my music because I never cared to begin with” is a statement that is likely at least semi-disingenuous. You can tell because immediately after declaring indifference to your opinion of his songs he directs you to one of those same songs. Having said that, thanks for granting your permission not to listen to your crappy music, Dave.

King 810’s most recent album had a name and came out sometime.


[via The PRP]

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