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Kourtney Kardashian Wears Cannibal Corpse Longsleeve, Internet Flips Out


The Kardashians are no strangers to metal fashion: from Kim wearing a Morbid Angel shirt (which resulted in a run on the band’s merch) to Kourtney repping Metallica to one of the Jenner brethren sporting a Megadeth tee, this much is certain: it’s mainstream cool to wear metal shirts again, as if we didn’t already know. (Khloe hasn’t yet embraced the trend, to our knowledge).

This time it’s Kourtney once again, appearing with Blink-182 drummer / celebrity in his own right Travis Barker, her latest boo, in a longsleeve “Eaten Back to Life” Cannibal Corpse t-shirt. We’re long since being bothered about such things ourselves — if even 0.1% of Kourtney’s fanbase becomes inspired to check out Cannibal Corpse and likes it, that’s a huge win for metal! and who cares whether Kourtney can “nAmE fIvE sOnGs” or not — but the internet being the internet, all sorts of opinions are flying around on the matter.

Thanks to Metal Injection, below are a few highlighted hot takes, which include an expected but still disappointing number of “that must be her boyfriend’s,” as if Kourtney isn’t capable of liking the music (or even just finding the dang shirt) on her own.

Cannibal Corpse, for those who care, released an excellent new album earlier this year, Violence Unimagined. Peep it here!

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