Kittie Took the Stage for the First Time in Five Years, Peep the Fan Footage
At the Blue Ridge Rock Festival yesterday, attendees got a special treat as Kittie took the stage to perform together for the first time in five years.
Morgan Lander (a recent The MetalSucks Podcast guest), her sister Mercedes Lander, Tara McLeod, and Ivana “Ivy” Vujlc hadn’t shared a stage since their reunion show back in 2017 in London, Ontario. That performance was to fete the documentary Kittie: Origins/Evolutions.
Though she told Anne Erickson of Audio Ink Radio that this show and an upcoming one at the When We Were Young festival this October were the only ones in 2022 the band had planned. But that didn’t mean the band was going on another hiatus.
“That’s it for this year. But next year, we definitely will. But I think those opportunities will come later on.
“We don’t have anything set in stone, but I think it’s something that, like I said before, once these doors are open, I think we can expect to feel comfortable doing a few more little things here and there and hopefully we’ll be able to do some more one-offs in the States and Europe and that type of thing,” she explained. “So the possibilities are endless.”
As you can see in the video below, the band sounded pretty tight. Sure, they get lumped into the nu-metal scene and deserve that distinction for a good part of their career. But they’ve put out some pretty heavy music in the latter parts of their discography and at least deserve some conversation as to whether they should be saddled with further consternation from the old guard, stodgy, gatekeepers of our community. I say no, but I also say fuck those guys anyways.