
Rumor: Ghost Movie Title and Release Date Revealed


It’s been a minute since we heard from Ghost. The last we heard from the likes of Tobias Forge and his insanely successful brainchild, we got a 30 second trailer for the upcoming Ghost concert/narrative movie that basically told us nothing. But that all might be changing very soon, if internet rumors are to be believed.

Like most internet rumors these days, its origins come from Reddit. In a post titled “Y’all like rumors?” (yes, we do), on the Ghost subreddit, user Spidremonkey posted what looks like photo of a computer screen displaying a list of upcoming movies. Though the entire thing is in French, it’s pretty obvious that one of the listings is titled Ghost: Rite Here Rite Now. Get it? Like a ritual rite? And where have we heard “right/rite here, right/rite now”? Oh yeah — “Square Hammer.”

While just the title alone would be a huge rumor to latch onto, given how hush-hush the band’s been about this flick, the even bigger morsel of info is the alleged release date of June 23. That leave us with just a little over a month from now until release, which means we should get official word from the band sooner rather than later.

Now, it must be said that this information should be taken with a deadly amount of salt at the moment. It’s safe to assume that everything you see on the internet could have been doctored, generated by A.I., or just be your run-of-the-mill bullshit.

One of the big issues with that date is the fact that it’s a Sunday. Most movies these days open on Friday or even Thursday night, so a Sunday release would be weird. That date is also weird because it falls during one of Sweden’s most festive times of the year, so you’d think that date would result in a lower number potential viewers in the band’s home country. However, it does land on the Eve of the Feast of St. John the Baptist, and we all know Ghost ain’t afraid to release something on a religious holiday.

The other big issue is Spidremonkey says they didn’t take the picture themselves, rather they got the image “from a trusted source.” And while they said that same trusted source told them about the title of Phantomime a couple months early, we certainly can’t corroborate that information.

What we do know for certain is that there’s a movie coming out that’s going to feature recorded live footage from both of their 2023 Los Angeles shows. It’s also pretty obvious that we’re going to learn the fate of Papa Emeritus IV, which should lead us into the next album cycle if we’re supposed to follow the band’s lore, as well as how the band’s done things in the past.

Last year, Forge revealed that plans for that aforementioned live footage were significantly more involved than a simple live concert release.

“We were essentially shooting a film. And we used two nights of crowds as extras…It’s going to be a film with a concert element. So a lot of what you experienced [at the two LA shows] is going to be part of this project.”

So is this all real or is it bullshit? We won’t know until Ghost says something officially. Until then, we’ll just speculate.

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