
Help This Kid Get His Stolen Metal Vest Back from Macy’s


Metal vests are intensely personal: deciding which patches are worthy of adorning your vest is no small decision, and the amount of time that goes into identifying, obtaining, and — most of all — sewing on those patches is a huge commitment. So imagine poor Meshach “Attack” Babcöck’s dismay when his vest was lifted from his band Maniak‘s first ever show at a High School Battle of the Bands in Oregon City, OR. The horror! Who would steal such a thing? An absolute MONSTER, that’s who!

Fast forward three years: metal videographer Tommy Jones notices a sweet vest encased in a glass frame hanging at the world-famous Midtown Manhattan Macy’s outpost, and innocently posts a photo of it to Facebook. Meshach sees the post, says “HEY! That’s my vest!” and launches an online campaign to get it back.

Here’s a photo of Meshach wearing the vest taking several years ago juxtaposed with Jones’s Facebook post:

Macy's vest Meshach

Without a doubt the same vest! No question.

How Macy’s obtained the vest is still a mystery, and could remain so even after Macy’s responds to this online campaign (which I have to think will inevitably happen) and returns the vest to its rightful owner. But knowing who stole the vest and how it made its way 3,000 miles across the country is secondary right now: let’s get this kid his damn jacket back!

There’s been a Facebook page set up to help retrieve the vest. Go and like it here, and hopefully this campaign will gain enough steam to get Macy’s’ attention. There are instructions on how to message Macy’s as well. Do it for metal!

Thanks: Braden B.

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