
Gary Holt on the End of Slayer: “I Will Miss So Much More Than Just Sharing a Stage With You Guys”

  • Axl Rosenberg

Slexoder guitarist Gary Holt has released a lengthy statement on the end of Slayer, who played their last show (at least as a traditional touring band) on Saturday night. You can read the entire thing below. It’s mostly what you’d expect, thanking the band members and their partners (including his predecessor, the late Jeff Hanneman), managers, crew members, mohels, etc. But he also shouts-out Dave Lombardo, which is unexpected, and, if you ask me, quite classy.

Now that Slayer is done, expect Holt to return his complete attention to Exodus. That band is working on a new album, which Holt has (naturally) promised will be incredibly heavy. They also tour Europe with Testament and Death Angel early next year. Get dates and tickets here.

“Now that the final show has come and gone, I just want to send a heartfelt thank you to everyone who supported me stepping into this monster called Slayer. Last night was a whirlwind of emotions for all four of us. I want to thank @tomarayaofficial , @paulbostaphofficial and KFK, Kerry Fucking King. I will miss so much more than just sharing a stage with you guys.

“I’ll miss the jokes, the penalty shots for our onstage fuck ups, the philosophical discussions, the fart jokes, the millions of laughs, the songs, the bus ride movies and more shots. MASSIVE love to all three of you. All at RSE, Rick Sales, @sassys8n , @ehgon , and @ndrewstuart . Always made me feel like part of the family. Our stellar crew, especially @sai_lhung_ , one of my best friends on this earth. RESPECT!

“RIP Aarmand . Mike Latronico, Pat Dickinson, @jraraya419 , John Goss, @norm.costa , Tim Quimby , @lost069 , @off_to_the_moon_studio_ , Anders Aho, @d_villain ,Tim Quimby, Erin O’rourke,Jager bear Paul Dinapoli , @thepig98 , Ashley Groom, Kevin Lehman, Rory, Paul and Keith our pyromaniacs,Josh, @brianlights , Rich Interlande, Jake Fraczek, Jason Lowe for keeping an eye on us.

“And @kygriller for joining me in this last run , love you brother , and Robb Philpotts @bigred_guitarsanddrums , and @geewilliea who also worked in my guitars for me. All did an outstanding job! @sandraarayaofficial and @slaywhore and Amy, much love to all of you.And anyone I forgot to mention, thanks!I thank @davelombardo , we had some great times together, day drinking and hunting for a good kebab!brother to me always!

“And to the Slayer fans, thanks for making me feel welcome, it’s been a special and magnificent metal journey. Three epidurals, seven cortisone injections, trigger point injections, all to keep me in raging mode. Worth every second of the pain. Forever honored to have been a part of this band.

“But I never wanted this. Jeff should have been there. I just held down the fort for him. And @lisaholt777 , your support meant everything to me. Love you after forever. And all my boys in Exodus, you are my family, and this wayward son is coming home! New Exodus is a world destroyer. See you in Europe in February!”

[via The PRP]

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